Relationship between physical danger due to lighting and associated symptoms in the development of administrative staff activities in an Educational Institution in the District of Barrancabermeja


  • Luis Emiro Amaya Domínguez Instituto Universitario de la Paz
  • Yaddy Andrea Neira Castiblanco
  • Adis Virginia Fernández Barios


lighting, workplace, risk, physical danger



 This research analyzed the relationship between the physical danger due to lighting and the symptoms associated with the development of the administrative activities of the staff Educational Institution in Distrito de Barrancabermeja, which through the measurement of the lighting levels of the workstations , through a hygienic measurement team, it was verified if the levels established by the current legal regulations were met, the jobs were analyzed, and it was established if the physical risk due to lighting impacted the development of the activities of the administrative staff and Incidentally, the risk of exposure due to lighting and subjective self-assessment associated with symptoms of the administrative staff were evaluated. The type of research was qualitative, non-experimental, and based on the inductive method. The sample under study consisted of seven administrative workstations located on the first and second floors of the Institution building, and the methodology was established in a field visit, hygienic measurement by lighting (Data Logger DT 8809 A luxmeter), application of subjective self-perception survey, application of the lighting test and risk assessment. As a relevant result of the data obtained, it was determined that there is a relationship between the lighting of the four workstations located on the first floor and the symptoms of the workers, since they present headaches, blurred vision, tired eyesight, and eye fatigue. causing discomfort in your workplace.


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