Logistics Trends in the Supply Chain of the Land Cargo Transportation Sector
Logistics, supply chain, trend, land cargo transportation.Abstract
In the current time, industry 4.0 and new digital technologies have formed an ecosystem that evolves rapidly from a series of tools that complement each other, this pace of innovation forces companies and logistics systems to incorporate within their supply chains the use of these tools, in order to meet the different behaviors and expectations of customers. The objective of this study was to analyze the logistics trends in the supply chain of the land freight transportation sector in the department of Santander. For this purpose, we worked under a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional and descriptive type of research. The process began with a literature review that allowed to investigate the different logistic trends in the supply chain of the land freight transportation sector at national and international level. Then, through a survey applied to the manager of 6 large, 25 medium and 50 small companies, the challenges and opportunities currently faced by companies in the land freight transportation sector in the department of Santander for the adoption of these logistics trends were defined. Based on these results, strategies were proposed to overcome these challenges and take advantage of the opportunities identified. Within the results it is identified that, within the current trends, cloud computing, Big Data analytics, edge computing and digital ecosystems stand out.
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