Proposal for operational improvement of the Dugerline courier company located in the special district of Barrancabermeja


  • Wilmar Martínez Becerra
  • John Armando García Torres Instituto Universitario de la Paz-UNIPAZ
  • Edwin Díaz Osorio Instituto Universitario de la Paz- UNIPAZ


Operational improvement, internal factors, external factors, FODA matrix, competitiveness.


The operational improvement proposal is carried out in the company Mensajería Dugerline, which provides logistic transportation solutions such as: purchases, consignments, express delivery, parcels, among others. Initially the initial state of the company is diagnosed to obtain information that allows finding the internal shortcomings to improve, this is carried out through information gathering techniques such as direct observation during visits and the Ishikawa Diagram, then through the MEFI and MEFE matrices the internal and external aspects of the courier company are determined, Later on, the SWOT matrix is used to unify with the main SWOT matrix, which proposes strategies focused on operational improvement. Subsequently, results are shown in the improvement of management processes in the optimization of time, new technological equipment and better control of home delivery, as well as suggestions for future improvements.


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