Design of a preventive maintenance program for the cooperative transportation and multiple services company COTSEM of the district of Barrancabermeja Santander
Preventive Maintenance, Strategic Road Safety Plan, Automotive Park, Inspection Formats and Special Land TransportationAbstract
Specialty trucking companies seek to implement preventive maintenance programs to regularly schedule care of their fleet and prevent future failures. This degree project aims to design a preventive maintenance program for the company Cooperativa de Transporte y Servicios Múltiples COTSEM, in Barrancabermeja, Santander. Using a qualitative descriptive methodology, formats were created that support the maintenance plan, based on resolution 40595 of the Strategic Road Safety Plan. The proposal allows improving control, extending the useful life of vehicles and reducing costs for corrective maintenance
Ministerio de Transporte. (2015). Decreto 1079 de 2015. Por el cual se expide el Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Transporte.
Ministerio de Transporte. (2022). Resolución 40595 de 2022. Por la cual se establecen requisitos para el mantenimiento del parque automotor y se dictan otras disposiciones.
Organización Mundial de la Salud. (2021). Manual de seguridad vial: Estrategias para mejorar la seguridad en el transporte terrestre.
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