Estanderización de un método de recolección de polen en el cultivo de palma de aceite elaeis guineensis jacq. en la empresa el oasis de puerto wilches, Santander.
The study was carried out in the Oasis company
located in the Puerto Wilches municipality , Santander included
in the village of El Cristal, with humid-tropical climates
according to the Holldridge scale. Its purpose was to standardize
a pollen collection method, which seeks to improve the efficiency
of the process that exists when updated. A descriptive nonexperimental
research design was used, through the analysis of
variables that affect the characterization of the collection process
such as the efficiency in the process and the viability of the
pollen. As a result of 126 inflorescences with 3873 g of pollen and
with the traditional procedure, 40 inflorescences were collected
with 1890 g, achieving a greater range of work, due to the
simplicity of the process. Achieving an efficiency per operator of
121 g / h, obtaining an average viability of 63.2% although this
has flaws for its commercialization due to its low viability, but is
suitable for use within the farm.

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