Oil palm spatial dynamics in the municipality of Puerto Wilches. Period 1977-2017


  • Victor Orlando Rincon Romero Investigador asociado, Cenipalma
  • Oscar Andrés Granados Cabrera
  • Maria Eugenia Arango Ospina
  • Nolver Atanacio Arias Arias


Puerto Wilches is one of the municipalities that currently has the largest area planted with oil palm cultivation in Colombia. Despite the importance of the crop in Puerto Wilches, the historical information related to the process of establishment of the crop is deficient and is not supported by cartographic data.

The historical reconstruction of the establishment of oil palm cultivation in the municipality was based on images of the LandSat satellite for the period 1977-2017. Nine images were processed through supervised classification to quantify and represent the area sown with oil palm at different times of the study period.

It was established that by 1977 the municipality had 3025 ha of oil palm, and in 2007 it reached its maximum coverage with a total of 28818 ha. After the affectation of about 42% of the area due to the disease of bud rot in 2018, the area of ​​the crop was reduced to 18229 ha.

The results obtained are a contribution to the historical memory of the municipality and additionally a tool that can be considered for the planning and ordering of the territory

Author Biographies

Victor Orlando Rincon Romero, Investigador asociado, Cenipalma

Ingeniero Catastral y Geodesta de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia), Master en Sistemas de Información Geográfica de la Universidad de Girona (España), Magister en Desarrollo Regional y Planificación del Territorio de la Universidad Autónoma de Manizales (Colombia)

Oscar Andrés Granados Cabrera

Ingeniero Catastral y Geodesta de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia), Especialista en Administración Pública de la Escuela Superior de Administración Pública (Colombia), Magister en Desarrollo Regional y Planificación del Territorio de la Universidad Autónoma de Manizales (Colombia)

Maria Eugenia Arango Ospina

Ingeniera Agrónoma de la Universidad de Caldas (Colombia), Especialista en Desarrollo Gerencial de la Universidad Autónoma de Manizales (Colombia), Magister en Agricultura Ecológica con Énfasis en Agricultura Tropical Sostenible del Centro de Agricultura Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (Costa Rica), candidata a doctora en Estudios del Desarrollo de la Universidad Del País Vasco (España). Investigadora de Colombia Científica en el programa " Reconstrucción del tejido social  en zonas de posconflicto en Colombia"

Nolver Atanacio Arias Arias

Ingeniero Agrónomo de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (Colombia), Magister en Desarrollo Rural de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (Colombia), Doctor en Ciencias de la Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo (México).



How to Cite

Rincon Romero, V. O., Granados Cabrera, O. A., Arango Ospina, M. E., & Arias Arias, N. A. (2021). Oil palm spatial dynamics in the municipality of Puerto Wilches. Period 1977-2017. CITECSA, 13(21), 5–15. Retrieved from https://unipaz.edu.co/revistas/revcitecsa/article/view/214