Didactic Strategies and Specific Competences of the MVZ UNIPAZ Program, recarding the results of the Saber PRO Test


  • Juan Diego Rodríguez Moreno Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Elkin Orlando Romero Cárdenas Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ


didactics, pedagogy, education, evaluation.


The source document of this article was the result of an investigation carried out to culminate with the Master's Program in Education of the Universidad de la Costa CUC, its purpose was to analyze the didactic strategies applied in the Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics Program of UNIPAZ against the specific competences requirements of the professional training of the career. During the 2016, 2017 and 2018 terms, the results that the students close to graduating obtained in the Saber Pro State Tests yielded data located below the national average, compromising the quality of graduates and the academic program. Alternate to this, the Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics program developed the operation of the curriculum through pedagogical strategies summarized in tutoring, case study and classroom project, which were the object of interest because it was considered that from them the students should achieve professional competencies as Veterinary Zootechnical Doctors. To establish the above, a Student Perception Survey was conducted on the MVZ Pedagogical Processes with which the program was developed, as well as an interview with the teachers, seeking to investigate their perception of the program's methodology and their knowledge of the competencies that the offer program and those required by the Ministry of National Education. At a general level, both for students and teachers, weaknesses were found in the operationalization of the didactic strategies used for the development of the Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics program, preparation of teachers in pedagogical aspects, in didactic resources, in carrying out more practical activities , in improving the evaluation process and a clear lack of administrative commitment. An important point was the ignorance on the part of the teachers interviewed about the competences offered by the program, such as those required by the Ministry of National Education.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Moreno, J. D., & Romero Cárdenas, E. O. (2022). Didactic Strategies and Specific Competences of the MVZ UNIPAZ Program, recarding the results of the Saber PRO Test. CITECSA, 13(22), 23–35. Retrieved from https://unipaz.edu.co/revistas/revcitecsa/article/view/310

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