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Extraction and physicochemical characterization of oil from the wine palm fruit (attalea butyracea), to application in the agroindustrial sector


  • Kellys Paola Saavedra Claro Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Ana Milena Salazar Beleño Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Angélica María Montoya Hernández Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Leidy Andrea Carreño Castaño Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Sandra Milena Montesino Rincón Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ


Oil, wine palm, endosperm, mesocarp.


Obtaining and characterizing the oil from the fruit of the Palma de Vino (Attalea butyracea), emerges as an alternative to use their fruit and obtaining raw material for the food, soap and cosmetic industries, strengthening the oil chain in Colombia. In the present work, the oil extraction yield of the endosperm (62.3%) and mesocarp (19.5%) of Attalea butyracea was determined by the hydraulic pressing method at a pressure of 10 tons and an optimum temperature of 65°. c. Physicochemical properties were also determined, such as density, acidity index, iodine index, refractive index, melting index, moisture saponification index and fatty acid profile, with which the quality was evaluated. of the oils against the requirements established by resolution 2154 of 2012. Both oils presented physicochemical characteristics within the ranges suggested by CODEX. Oleic acid (Omega 9) (54.6%) and palmitic acid (23.4%) were found in the mesocarp oil, considered one of the main fatty acids in the food industry. In the endocarp oil, used in saponification processes, oleic acid (30.90%) and lauric acid (26.37%) were found.


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How to Cite

Saavedra Claro, K. P. ., Salazar Beleño, A. M., Montoya Hernández, A. M. ., Carreño Castaño, L. A. ., & Montesino Rincón, S. M. . (2023). Extraction and physicochemical characterization of oil from the wine palm fruit (attalea butyracea), to application in the agroindustrial sector. CITECSA, 15(25). Retrieved from

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