Agronomic Practices for Improving Oil Palm Crops for Biofuel Production


  • Ana Milena Salazar Beleño Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Jhonnatan Vásquez Diaz Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Karen Julissa Marín Salazar Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Kevin martín Calderón Flórez Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Leidy Andrea Carreño Castaño Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Sandra Milena Montesino Rincón Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ


Oil palm, biofuel, improvement, cultivation, good agricultural practices.


This reflection article is prepared based on studies related to agronomic practices for the improvement of oil palm crops intended for biofuel production. On this occasion, the information that we will see in this work will be related to: identification and elimination of productivity gaps in oil palm; good oil palm management practices in Latin America; its impact on the oil palm agroindustry in Latin America; and prospects for the biodiesel industry in the United States. The management of oil palm cultivation and its genetic improvement, processes, and products; and the panorama of the world economy and trends in its commercialization and sustainable development. Due to the above, the corresponding information that was collected was compiled to be part of this article. Improvement can be achieved in the area of environmental sustainability in relation to oil palm crops for biofuel production, having as specific results of the research carried out, the economic, social, and cultural importance of correctly applying good agricultural practices, and that sustainability goes hand in hand with biotechnology.


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How to Cite

Salazar Beleño, A. M., Vásquez Diaz, J., Marín Salazar, K. J., Calderón Flórez, K. martín, Carreño Castaño, L. A. ., & Montesino Rincón, S. M. . (2023). Agronomic Practices for Improving Oil Palm Crops for Biofuel Production. CITECSA, 15(26), 18–25. Retrieved from

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