Strengthening of Agribusiness ventures in the Municipality of San Vicente de Chucurí


  • Miyith Luseth Diaz Beltran Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Ana Milena Salazar Beleño Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Sandra Milena Montesino Rincón Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Leidy Andrea Carreño Castaño Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ
  • Mónica María Pacheco Valderrama Instituto Universitario de la Paz - UNIPAZ


Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, cocoa, coffee, avocado, diagnosis, formalization


Entrepreneurship is shown as an engine of development and has gained importance in the different sectors and communities that have seen in it, a strategy to promote the economy and thus contribute to overcoming the conditions of poverty and vulnerability by proposing entrepreneurship as an alternative for development. integral, from the possibility of being entrepreneurs and distributing wealth through the generation of employment, opportunity and development. For this reason, this article aims to identify the entrepreneurs of San Vicente de Chucuri (Santander - Colombia), as well as to know and analyze in detail the general and particular characteristics of each enterprise and its environment.

212 entrepreneurs were identified that generate added value to the outstanding products of the Region such as cocoa, coffee, avocado, citrus, milk derivatives, handicrafts, tourism, among others. It was found that the main processed product is cocoa, which is considered the flagship crop of the Region followed by handicrafts. The main reason to be an entrepreneur is the business opportunity. In turn, the biggest obstacle that is perceived is the lack of opportunities to formalize their business and difficulty in accessing support and bank credit.


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How to Cite

Diaz Beltran, M. L. ., Salazar Beleño, A. M., Montesino Rincón, S. M., Carreño Castaño, L. A., & Pacheco Valderrama, M. M. . (2022). Strengthening of Agribusiness ventures in the Municipality of San Vicente de Chucurí. CITECSA, 13(22), 14–22. Retrieved from

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