Elaboration of Composting (Teaching - Learning) with Agricultural Students of the Integrated IE of the Carare Cica in Cimitarra Santander - Colombia


  • González Ortiz Umecit
  • Carlos Brigard Ricaute
  • Camilo Andrés Chia Chancy
  • Duvian Ardila Lopez


composting, pedagogy, didactics, environmental


Decomposition, known as organic fertilizer from waste (biomass) of animal and plant origin. The topics on the elaboration of organic fertilizers and their descriptions are included as academic training activities in the curricular plans of the agricultural area for the students of the agricultural modality of the Integrated College of Carare, in Cimitarra Santander - Colombia. The continuous improvements in the techniques for the elaboration of composting, the selection of organic solid waste (RSO), the methodology used and others, are the product of the experiences through the pedagogical practice and the commitment of the teachers in the face of responsibility. assigned environmental academic character. The production of compost at the CICA farm is part of the learning activities on friendly and sustainable solutions that have become a practical alternative for the management of soils in the area, which are characterized by their high levels of acidity, providing better structural and production development in crop yields. The present experimental research with a quantitative approach shows four methods with results that point to obtaining a better formula in the elaboration of composting, where the samples were analyzed and compared with a proposed methodology in the equivalence of values ​​obtained in the laboratory, in turn, all the weeks the temperature record was taken and then the turning applying the amendments. Finally, it is the students themselves who obtain theoretical and practical knowledge, directly in an aerobic biological process, which seeks to encourage organic and ecological forms in an entire line of food production


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How to Cite

González Ortiz, D. A., Brigard Ricaute, C., Chia Chancy, C. A., & Ardila Lopez, D. (2022). Elaboration of Composting (Teaching - Learning) with Agricultural Students of the Integrated IE of the Carare Cica in Cimitarra Santander - Colombia. CITECSA, 14(23), 5–16. Retrieved from https://unipaz.edu.co/revistas/revcitecsa/article/view/311

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